Frankenstein made thy divinity into no monster, Less be in the sense of its behemoth nature. A creature of awe be not inherently awful, But shrouded in shadows, where light might falter. In the forge of life, where fire meets flesh, Thy essence was wrought, neither damned nor blessed. A hand did shape what the heart could not bear, Breathing life into forms, in love and despair. No dread in the eye, no malice in the hand, Yet what hath been wrought, few understand. For in the making, divinity and dust entwine, A behemoth born not of beast, but of the divine. To walk in the world with a face unknown, A creature of both flesh and stone. No less be thou, for thy form is fearsome, A mirror to the soul, both cruel and handsome. What be monstrous in the eyes that see, Is but the shadow of what we could be. For in the vastness of thy behemoth frame, Lies a heart untouched by monstrous claim.
~The Void~