Ok. We’re gonna start this off in a weird place, but bear with me here until it all starts coming together. This past couple of days, I've been wondering to myself, how the hell are we losing San Francisco to a bunch of commies? I don’t know if y’all know this, but commies aren’t exactly the brightest, most skillful people in this city… There’s so many things we can do to essentially render their degrowth-decay political agenda ineffective and stagnant without letting them take the rest of us down with them in their designed-decay.
While a lot of the general public is pretty oblivious to this kind of thing, most of my followers are the furthest thing from normal (endearingly) and are far more in-touch with what’s going on in the world than the general public. Enough so to likely recognize or at least enough to not be shocked to realize that we’ve kinda been in cold war (as opposed to hot war) for a few years now. I should be specific when I use the term cold war. This sort of cold war that we've been living through is not like "The Cold War" where everyone is constantly on the brinks of nuking each other. The context in which I use the term 'cold war' is to specifically refer to time and state of warfare that is critically distinct from a 'hot war', or in other words, a balls-to-the-wall, heavy artillery, military and tactical violent battle to the death form of warfare, like what exists along the battle lines of Ukraine today. While clearly distinct from a hot war, we have been living through a form of cold war for several years now.
Those of us in the San Francisco Bay Area are all too familiar with the warzone that has become of our communities. On a daily basis, we all navigate our way through bombardments of information warfare online and in the media. We navigate our way through the psychological warfare of hostile and violent mob protests like those on university campuses across the nation that have been highlighted in the media this year, which are almost always organized by outside agitators who don't even attend these universities and who sometimes go to the extent of posing as forms of socialist/communist student organizations that aren't are neither university-registered student organizations nor consist primarily of students attending these universities, and sometimes these fake student organizations aren't even based in the United States. Next time you see one, ask for a pamphlet. They're usually dumb enough to give you one. Once you dive down the rabbit hole of the social media pages and websites for these organizations that they provide in their pamphlets, you'll never see these ideological protests on college campuses in the same light. We navigate through the feces-ridden streets filled with crowds of erratic and potentially dangerous fentanyl zombies and we navigate through the Russian roulette game that is the odd trend where fentanyl keeps showing up in places it's not supposed to be, often in the dead body of some adolescent who decided to party for a night only to discover that the substance they intended to take was laced with a dose of fentanyl that's deadly to anyone without a built-up tolerance to it because China has been and continues to smuggle fentanyl through our shipping ports and onto our streets with the assistance of desperate-for-work Honduran migrants.
Most, if not all, of the communist and socialist organizations that infest the San Francisco Bay Area are deeply infiltrated and often enough even led by our foreign adversaries’ intelligence operatives. However, the rest of the communists, socialists, and collectivists whom comprise the vast majority of these far-left ideological organizations are far from a threat as individuals. Most people who fall into these ideological-extremist political activism organizations are unremarkably unintelligent, gullible, dysfunctional, and emotionally-unwell ideologues who are typically seeking an outlet to take their anger out on the world (i.e., adult form of temper tantrums), seeking some form of community, or seeking relief from major financial burdens such as student loans and access to quality healthcare, and they simply found themselves lost in the ideological sauce. If these foreign assets and ideological extremists' base of hurting-yet-normal people can be demobilized, then these actually-dangerous threat actors lose all of their power to perpetually evoke chaos within our communities.
The normal people wrapped-up in these communist and socialist organizations are not challenging rivals nor even threats as individuals (though avoid their mob form in the crowds). They're broken, hopeless, and lost individuals grasping onto anything that can give them hope to get through the day, even if it’s a shallow and immoral ideology propped up not by science nor logical arguments nor reality, but only by their tightly gate-kept ideological echo-chambers. Socialism and Communism might be the most nefarious and prevalent cult throughout human history, yet it's also one of the most normalized cults within our country and around the world today still. These people can’t admit any of this to themselves nor even see these organizations and ideologies for the evil and sickness that they are. For any normal human being, doing so would shatter their psyche. The cognitive dissonance is too strong, behaving like a psychological survival mechanism. Unfortunately, they will have to see it for themselves to believe it.
And, do you know what breaks the spell of ideology more effectively than anything else? Disillusionment. Disillusionment with their ideology and disillusionment with their idolized thought leaders. Disillusionment inevitability hits, and then all of a sudden, they find themselves right back in that lost state of hopelessness and despair that they've been running from for so long. When this disillusionment occurs, it can be an extremely psychologically vulnerable state for people, and predatory cults are quick to target these people when they’re in this vulnerable psychological state. It's a somewhat common behavioral trend for certain types of people (that I refer to as fanatics) to jump from one misguided cult or ideology to another and so on in a vicious self-defeating cycle.
With all that being said, I want to share with you some wisdom a friend passed along to me nearly a decade ago, and while I found it a bit sinister and disturbing at the time, it still sits with me deeply to this day as a warning:
“Don’t tear down the pillars of someone’s reality unless you have something to replace it with.”
I hope whatever the next thing these lost and disillusioned souls find their source of hope in and their reason to keep on living another day will be something genuine, safe, and healthy. For me, I found that hope within e/acc, not the ideology affiliated with e/acc, but within the community I've found through e/acc and through the individuals I found through e/acc, the individuals who are living reminders to me every single day that there are other people who understand the conflicts our nation and world are facing and who care so relentlessly that they sacrifice their life blood every single day to try to steer humanity in a better, more hopeful, and more stable direction for our future. This alone gives me unending hope, optimism, and a profound sense of comfort in the world that gifts me peace of mind in being able to trust that it's going to be okay, or at least I can trust that we're all going to do everything we can every single day to work towards building a future that is not just going to be okay, but prosperous for all, or at the very least, I know that even if we fail, we will have died trying to make the future brighter than the past.
I got a bit sentimental there, so let's refocus. By now you're probably wondering why the f*ck the title of this article is about a techno-renaissance. You see, the unfortunate thing about e/acc is that it’s technology-focused. I personally love that it’s technology-focused, but all those broken souls who will eventually be looking for a new source of hope, many of them humanities majors, art history majors, and so on, it seems likely that they may not be able to relate to nor find purpose in technological innovation the same way everyone within our techno-optimist community do. They’ll need something else, something healthy, something expressive, something that feeds their human spirits. All humans have an innate need to create. While technologists build, the vast majority of people fulfill this creative need through some form of art. In order to build a tech-driven prosperous future that we're all striving to create, we need to build a future in which all the other, non-technical people can see a place for themselves within it too. For that reason, I’ve decided to commit myself to a mission to build communities surrounding this brilliant new world of unbounded and unexplored creative opportunity that exists where technology and art come together. And, if you'd like to join me on this mission, including collaborating on any sort of experimental tech-art project, I invite you to reach out to me and share your ideas.
Alas, it's time to unleash an avant-garde Techno-Renaissance.
Dark Empress
One last note on some subscription pricing updates, and well, a plea, really:
I’ve decided to remove the paywall for this article because I really want to reach as many people as I can for my mission to build communities around the experimental exploration of mixing art with technology and to usher in this new cultural age of the Techno-Renassiance. Additionally, I will be lowering the subscription pricing for my blog with the hope that more readers will be able to and encouraged to subscribe.
I wish to spend more time writing and sharing my thoughts, ideas, analyses, and research with you all, but unfortunately for the time being, I can’t justify financially justify dedicating as much time as I wish to dedicate to writing articles and producing written reports documenting my research and technical projects to share with you all given my underwhelming number of paid subscribers at this time.
If you wish to support my writing so that I may write more often, please consider subscribing to any of the paid subscription tiers to sponsor my writing and my work as one patron within this crazy, crowd-sourced world’s modern form of a patron-of-the-arts for my work.